My Guy got into the purge mood, which usually hits me much more often. So our pile for donations is nice and big, and I like being leaner. We’ve got a bunch of books we’re going to try to get some trade from-most mine. We’re gonna walk to the bookstore, which will be .7 miles there and back. I know that with my Challenge, I have to think gifts early, and getting trade will help with that. Most folks I’d get a gift for has at least one type of book they’d like.
This last week I’ve not missed water aerobics once, I walked to work once, and I’ve been very conscious of eating well, eating right. No migraine, and good energy; a nice rare not too lazy day!
So, after hanging laundry and walking to the bookstore, I’ll feel proud, and maybe even purge some more. The less crud I have, the less I have to clean and dust. I want to only have things I use and love.
Shaping Up to be a Good day
April 28th, 2006 at 09:00 pm