Home > Inspired by Ray

Inspired by Ray

June 12th, 2006 at 02:17 am

Thrifty Ray bought a blender. As I commented on her blog that I like to make breakfast shakes, I also mentioned that I’d been meaning to try and make pureed soups. So I stood up and made one, using some steamed broccoli I had the other night. Reconstituted dry powdered milk, broccoli, a tiny but of bouillon, and about a tablespoon of ranch-type dressing (left over bottle-I put a dash of water in it, swished, and poured it in the blender). I then blended, nuked, and had really good soup.

Usually I like my own concoctions, and sometimes I’m the only one that eats them. But this soup passed the My Guy test! So now I have a new simple recipe. I think I’ll play with variety-cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin puree. Try some spices. I love being able to control the ingredients-sometimes low-fat foods have a lot of gunk in them. I’d be willing to serve this to guests, it’s that good. I can also use the idea to make “cream of” soups used in casseroles and other recipes-I can make it thicker to have the condensed version.

I love finding a new little trick. This one, homemade soup in minutes from left over veggies, is definitely a keeper.

3 Responses to “Inspired by Ray”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Yum! That sounds delicious. That Ray is sure an inspiration to us all. And I did'nt think that you could learn any new tricks! You are already so thrifty and cost concious! Great job reaching out to try something new! (And I 'm glad it was edible!)

  2. fern Says:

    I love "cream of" soups. Especially carrot, as it has a very strong carroty taste. You're making me hungry!

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    ...Im in the title of a blog??? {blushing}

    I am looking forward to your sharing those new recipes with us!! I have this new appliance that I hope to put to good use!!! And who better to glean from than the queen of frugality herself! Wink
    (Thanks all are an incredible inspiration to me to!!)

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