I had what I call fish jerky today. That, and Ray teasing me about funky popsicles and soups, made me realize that I am a lemonade out of lemons kind of gal.
Fish jerky? Not frugal, you say. Salmon jerky is very pricy. Well, cod jerky is cheap…especially if made unintentionally by overcooking. Yes, I over baked fish into hard strips. And I called it fish jerky and ate it for lunch.
Don’t get me wrong: If I didn’t like the Freak Soup or fish jerky, I wouldn’t have eaten them. I am not into frugality, pre Challenge or now, to punish myself and feel deprived and wring out every cent out of everything at the expense of my happiness. I like my odd concoctions, my spur of the moment “wow! It’s soup!” creations. But I’m sure part of it is being willing to like them, trying them with a sense of curiosity and pleasant surprise.
If I tried over baked fish and expected it to taste incredible, to equal a $20 dollar take out dinner, I could be disappointed. But if I just am a little open-minded, maybe there’s something I like about that jerky.
We have so many opportunities to feel disappointed, but we don’t need to take them. Every time we watch a regular network TV show, we don’t have to compare it to a five star movie. When we are camping in a park, we don’t have to think of how much more fun the beach…in Florida….might have been. I have spent too much time wanting what I didn’t have, and I’m done with that.
I like what I’ve got. It’s what I’ve got!
July 7th, 2006 at 02:09 am
July 7th, 2006 at 02:53 am 1152237183
DH and I occasionally go to RV lots and look at the fancy trailers and drool....but I have a nice paid for trailer that is big enough, comfortable enough, and works...it is not the biggest, shiniest, best, nor does it have lot of the bells and whistles...but it is ours.
When we can appreciate what we have, we find a peace unlike any other.
July 7th, 2006 at 05:09 am 1152245365
Somewhere I read that one definition of "appreciate" is "to rightly value."
July 7th, 2006 at 05:48 am 1152247738
By the way, that beet and zucchini blender soup idea you tossed out the other day, (I think it was you), I made that, but threw in a carrot as well. It was sooooooo good. Never would have thought it was possible, so thanks for the inspiration.
July 8th, 2006 at 12:56 am 1152316578
Ray-would you have believed your teasing could be a recipe idea? ;-)
July 13th, 2006 at 03:03 pm 1152799395