I count anything that is not edible outside of my grocery budget. My “Household Budget” includes long-term things like furniture, as well as short-term like toilet paper. I’m thinking about changing that. Last year I spent $184.89 (I thought I had spent 243, but that was for 14 months.) But the year before I spent a grand, so my more honest long term average is $50 a month.
Paper Products
We don’t by paper towels, paper plates, napkins, cups.
I bought paper plates for camping a few years ago; we still have some and use them as a treat rarely.
We use dish towels instead of paper towels. Old washcloths and hand towels become rags.
We use cloth napkins. I got a bunch at the dollar tree in three packs 3 or 4 years ago; 100% cotton, wear well.
We line dry our napkins and dish rags.
If we get takeout, we use cloth napkins and stick the paper napkins in a dispenser I got from the thrift store; the chrome spring loaded kind. We use those napkins as paper towels on really funky messes, or sometimes guests prefer paper to cloth.
I waffled for months before finally deciding that buying double rolls of toilet paper was worth it for us.
Cleaning Supplies
We are not big cleaners; our house is very uncluttered but we don’t clean surfaces too much.
We buy ammonia, bleach, dish soap and cleanser. That’s about it.
I know I could use vinegar and baking soda for some cleaning; I just haven’t yet.
We use maybe one cleanser a year, or less. One bottle of ammonia a year, or less. Bleach, maybe 2 bottles a year-I do use in the laundry.
I have spray bottles with diluted bleach and diluted ammonia as spray cleaners.
Oh, I do have some Windex.
We don’t buy much. We make do with what we have, and add stuff we like over time.
I’m 35; I have the dresser my parents bought as raw wood and finished together when I was around 9. I got it from my dad when I was in my late 20s when he was paring down.
I have an armoire I bought in my late teens, early twenties; it was an irresponsible purchase at the time at $150, but I absolutely love it. One of the shelves is marked “woolens”-how could I not love it?
I have bookcases I’ve had since my teens.
It took us three trips to the thrift store to evaluate a $25 sofa five years ago. The people at the store found it funny. We could have “afforded” a new couch but didn’t want to buy one.
I did get a slip cover for the sofa; I like it partially because it’s washable.
Bought new: two computer chairs, my desk, and the coffee table. I think that’s it. Otherwise they are hand me downs or thrift store or garage sale items.
One of my favorite pieces of furniture is a wooden recycling cupboard; it was $20 at a garage sale, I probably could have gotten it for $15 but I fell head over heals in love and I was too dazed to dicker.
I will add vintage pieces over time as I find good deals. I did buy a vanity in 2004 for that I will own for decades.
Our TV is 19”.
As high tech as our computer set up is, our TV and stereo is low tech. We use our PCs to play music a lot, instead of our low end portable radio.
Camping Gear
Yes, this could be considered entertainment instead of household.
We bought two cheap Sears sleeping bags and a used four man (fits two comfortably) tent. We are good to go.
My Guy got a picnic basket a while ago; we have it full of plastic cutlery (I wash and save from various sources), pots, salt and pepper, metal cups, essentially anything we need to cook while camping. Makes packing easier.
Other than that, we have the burner that screws onto the propane bottle, and a lantern. If we camped more I might get more gear.
We have one set of towels we bought maybe five or so years ago at 1.49 each. They are good quality but someone returned them to Ross washed so I was able to get the towels, hand towels and wash cloths cheap.
I think we’ve bought sheets maybe once or twice-we only used a bottom sheet and a comforter with a comforter cover (duvet cover). I know I’ve gotten sheets at garage sales, also Ross when I had an employee discount. The fact I can’t remember means it’s a long time ago.
I have had my super thick down comforter for a long time. It was a hand-me-down but I would have paid for one. I know they can be costly but I adore my heavy down comforter-perfect in winter and summer.
My Guy bought wash clothes at Wal-Mart (I have never been). The washcloths were lousy quality, we were bummed.
Due to the above experience, I am less inclined to buy new towels unless they are high quality; ours are white and I want yellow or blue, but such is life.
We are renters, so the fridge and gas stove come with the kitchen.
I don’t like dishwashers, to My Guy’s chagrin.
I get closer and closer to buying a freezer every minute.
Our washer and dryer are used. Both were bought refurbished. My Guy has fixed the dryer a couple times.
Other than that, it's a coffee maker, a coffee grinder, a vacuum, and that's it.
July 13th, 2006 at 02:15 am 1152753346
I wish I could get MY guy on board, although he has come a long way...
July 13th, 2006 at 03:02 am 1152756148
(When I'm in a motel I just can't handle the sheets/bedspread thing. I wonder why the whole world hasn't gone over to comforters!)
July 13th, 2006 at 02:52 pm 1152798761
I love my comforter too and do the same as you with just bottom sheet and duvet cover, but I can't imagine using it in summer! My bedroom is about 80 degrees most nights during July and August, and the quilt goes off in June and comes back in September. During June-Aug, I revert to regular sheets and a thin cotton blanket.
July 14th, 2006 at 04:38 am 1152848315
hand pieces.
At time I feel like a though back to another time.
You make me not feel so alone.