A whopping $3.30 today.
Four small Christmas Gifts (Ornaments)
A popsicle mold, plus enough “handles” for my other mold
4 packets of bath salts
An Index card Holder with Alpha tabs
A bunch of clothes pins
A small “travel” roll of TP for the glove compartment
A cute burlap bag, filled with
A ton of teabags, various types, plus sugar/salt/pepper packets, and
A bunch of creamer/spoon/napkin packs, perfect for camping
Nothing great, but good. The teabags themselves made it worth it-the tea and other food items were in Free Box.
I also got some Free Food from a friend who was cleaning out her cupboards. One nice thing about being known as frugal is that people know I might be willing to take these types of items. It’s funny; I’m grateful for these hand-me-downs, but I also think that sometimes when I get these items, the people giving them feel good about Recycling. It works for everyone.
I’m making a Clean the Fridge soup. Not as creative as some of my others, but some hand-me-down rice and barley, some almost wilting vegetables, and some hand-me-down green olives that I have been chipping away at for months, it feels like. I’ve got all these saved and frozen and wrapped and rescued foods, and it feels a little crowded. So any soup that empties 4 or more cottage cheese tubs is a winner.