Home > Safe in Croatia

Safe in Croatia

September 16th, 2006 at 06:41 pm

After some whirlwind travel, and a half day in London, I made it. The keyboard in this Crikvenica internet cafe is a little tough to navigate. The food is incredible, and the ice cream rivals Italian gelato. Since I have never had italian gelato, it is the best I have ever had.

I am taking pictures, and also logging everything I spend to have a record. I am not trying to pinch every Kuna, but simpler pleasures do thrill me so even without setting a lot of limits my natural pattern is to be low key.

9 Responses to “Safe in Croatia”

  1. Kris10leigh Says:

    Too cool!!! I am so happy for you! I just think Croatia is such an "off the maps" kind of place to visit, which is right up my alley! You never hear people say "Hey, I'm flying to Croatia today." Have a fantastic time and think of all of us out there in cyber space!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    and the farthest Ive ever been is Tulsa!

    Thanks for checking in....Ive been wondering about you and your journey!! Glad all is going well!!! Enjoy yourself and if you have time, let us know how youre doing!!!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Have fun!!

  4. princessperky Says:

    I got a huge smile today surfing down the line and seeing your post! so glad to hear it is going great!

  5. ldyfaile Says:

    Awesome! I know what you mean about the keyboards. Especially the Z and Y flipped. By the time you get used to it, you'll be on your way home.

    Enjoy the gelato! My friends that I went with claim it's better at this one shop at home but seriously, for 5 kuna you won't find a better deal! That's less than a dollar per scoop and in the States you'll be lucky to find one scoop for under $2!

    I'm jealous! Can't wait to see pictures, sounds like you are in a different part of the country than I was.

  6. contrary1 Says:

    You realize you're taking a BUNCH of us with you on this trip??? Hope you're ordering enough ice cream for all of us when you go out! Smile
    Have fun, enjoy the people and make tons of memories.

  7. DivaJen Says:

    Nice to see you made it there safely. Enjoy. Smile

  8. Carolina Bound Says:

    Wow! Have a great time!

  9. scottish girl Says:

    Hope you're having a great time!

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