Home > Back from Bosnia and Croatia

Back from Bosnia and Croatia

October 2nd, 2006 at 01:21 am

It’s absolutely lovely to be back home. It’s nice to know that even after an incredible vacation, my life is one I want to come back to.

Updates on my vacation spending and the September closing of the books will have to wait…I’m more interested in a hot bath and doing laundry than crunching numbers. Overall, I think I did fine with vacation spending. I went on a jewelry binge-a whole different story. I got 16 pieces I am madly in love with. I will post pictures…but I did lose My Guy’s camera, so there’ll be a wait while I reimburse him and he buys a new one. (Yeah, I know, it’s a bum deal, but really, if I had to have something bad happen, I’d rather it be losing a material item, instead of injuries or flight troubles or lost passports. And my friends took many pictures.)

I bought a lot more gifts than I expected, and that does come out of my regular gift budget, so that may be a tough hit. On the plus side, I do have a lot of Christmas shopping done.

I loved both Croatia and Bosnia. Highlights included the Plitvice Lakes, a Biker Convention (really….dancing in the rain to rockabilly in the early morning hours), Mostar in Bosnia, the best squid I ever had, swimming in the Adriatic, dinner at St. John’s in London, bureks (meat and vegetable pastries….fifty cents for greasy love).

I plan to post more on my experiences in two magnificent countries, as well as details of how travel can be affordable. (In many places I paid less than $15 a night for lodging.) This is just a quick “I’m home.” The travel can get tiring…twenty six plane, ferry, bus, taxi, tube, and car rides since I left. I got to fly business class for both return legs (in exchange for being willing to arrive in San Francisco an hour later) and that peek at the luxurious life was both enticing and amusing.

My bath is ready.

17 Responses to “Back from Bosnia and Croatia”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    You went to Bosnia and Croatia? Not Jamaica and Hawaii or something like that?

    What made you decide on those two places again?

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Welcome home! I cant wait to read all about your trip. Enjoy the bath and being in your own bed again!

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    I'm glad you're back - was wondering how the travels were going!! Get some rest and get back in the swing of normal life. We'll be waiting to hear ALL The DETAILS!!

  4. Carolina Bound Says:

    Welcome back! Looking forward to the updates!

  5. Bookie Says:

    Welcome, welcome back. I've missed your posts.

    Sounds like you had a grand time. And congratulations on losing the camera. You get to see much more of the world when you aren't looking through a view finder Smile

  6. sarah Says:

    I love to travel and often travel alone. My last trip (alone) was to Turkey. Given the recent violence in the former Yugoslavia did you every feel unsafe. I am considering a trip to somewhere next summer. Maybe Guatamala but the Adriatric sounds nice so does Budapest.

  7. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome home, we missed you!

  8. boomeyers Says:

    Glad you are home safe and you had fun!

  9. princessperky Says:

    Good to read you again!( I can't say see, since i never do...)

    Enjoy your bath! But know I am salivating in anticipation over upcomming details....

  10. Sunshine Suz Says:
    1159811087 role model is back. Glad you had a good trip. Can't wait to hear everything!

  11. scottish girl Says:

    Welcome back!

  12. jodi Says:

    Yeah! I've missed reading your posts and entries. Looking forward to the details...glad you had a wonderful time.

  13. pjmama Says:

    I'm croatian! I want to go to croatia so bad... I heard the beaches and the county are absolutely gorgeous! Horay for picking a place to go that isn't quite so tourist-y!

  14. pjmama Says:

    Goodness, I hate it when i press the submit button twice :P

  15. DivaJen Says:

    welcome back Smile

  16. PRICEPLUS Says:

    It is wonderful that you have taken the path less traveled. I wish I could travel. Well, maybe in the future. Welcome back!Smile

  17. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sounds liike you had a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to your posts.

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