I love being an adult; one of the very best things is being able to eat a bowl of cream of wheat for dinner because that’s what you want. We’re cleaning out the pantry and tackling those little used items. I’ve got a mighty concoction going on in the crock pot; enough said until I determine it’s edible. I made cream of wheat with canned peaches for future frozen breakfasts [edited to clarify: I make a big batch, freeze in cottage cheese tubs, and microwave for future instant breakfasts], and some sugar-free gelatin for snacks and lunches. The crock pot Unchained Medley will go on either cous cous or rice, both needing to re-enter the food rotation.
My spending is low key. My only expenditures other than recurring monthly bills (utilities, rent, etc.) this month have been $4.82 on dining out from entertainment budget and $20.43 from the grocery budget. Really; $25.25, I’m pretty much not a spender. Some of the reason I don’t give mid month updates is because I forget, but other times it’s because there’s not much to update.
I do have a wedding Saturday, the very first I’ve seen as a guest in my life. I was a flower girl once around ten years old at a sorta different wedding (bride in low cut red satin, bridesmaids in black). A couple years ago I performed a ceremony; despite me as clergy, all the other parts were quite traditional (and I’m proud of the ceremony). But this is the first I’ll actually watch. I’m 35. Weird, huh? I ordered personalized labels for the bride’s favorite hooch, so I’ll be buying the hooch; other than that, I do have nice stuff in my gift boxes.
Man, I love cream of wheat. It’s just such comfort food. I am aware it’s a pretty processed grain; that’s why I’ve been more of an oatmeal gal lately, but I just love the stuff. It used to be a “special” food I got to eat only at Grandma’s, so I always thought of it as a treat. And oatmeal has always been groovy too. I’ve never understood the whole anti-hot-cereal vibe. Really, people, add brown sugar or fruit if you need to, but don’t pass up that hot cheap good comfort.
Cream of Wheat and a Wedding
October 13th, 2006 at 03:43 am
October 13th, 2006 at 03:59 am 1160708365
So what is porridge anyway????
Maybe I'll make some tomorrow for my boys...with cocoa, of course!
(okay, my curiousity just got the better of me and I googled porridge - according to Wikipedia, it is a "simple dish made by boiling oats (normally crushed oats, occasionally oatmeal) or another meal in water, milk, or both" So maybe it was porridge?? Sorry to tangent so much in your blog!)
October 13th, 2006 at 04:16 am 1160709407
And, like you........I'm attempting to use up what is already in the pantry here. Hot cereal it is!
I have a recipe somewhere for overnight oatmeal in a crock pot that is oh so creamy. Need to dig that out!
October 13th, 2006 at 05:16 am 1160712995
On the subject of weddings: People stopped inviting me when I started to mention that no marriage I've been asked to witness has ever failed to end in divorce. Saves me a fortune in dress suit cleaning bills.
October 13th, 2006 at 05:32 am 1160713935
I love cream of wheat but never liked it as a kid. My daughter loves it, but she likes to put cinnamon and sugar on it, and sprinkles too. I have to keep an eye on her cream of wheat to sprinkles ratio.
I would like to figure out a way to have more time in the morning to make hot cereal for myself. I have no routine for it, so instead I grab cold cereal because it takes all of 20 seconds to prepare. If only I would get up earlier...I really am not a morning peson.
And hey! I didn't know you were 35.
October 13th, 2006 at 07:08 am 1160719693
October 13th, 2006 at 03:19 pm 1160749147
October 13th, 2006 at 08:43 pm 1160768585
Weddings run into a serious expense. In this part of the country you are expected to cover the plate and still have some left over for a gift. I know of many who don't fill out the check for a gift until they see what is what at the reception! I think it is pretty funny!
October 14th, 2006 at 08:47 am 1160812050
October 15th, 2006 at 11:48 am 1160909336