Okay, things in general I want to tighten up and/or focus on:
Use the excercise bike and walk to work. This saves money and also helps with my health; I could stand to use 30 pounds (I lost 20 then gained four on vacation so I’m at 180). Concrete steps to do this: Offer use of my car to My Guy-he benefits, and I am forced to walk. Also, if I want to play a computer game, “earn” it by using the exercise bike.
Continue to eat breakfast everyday and pack a good lunch and snacks. I’m mostly doing this; I could just get back in the pre-vacation habit of preparing more stuff, like hard boiling eggs or making more muffins and such.
Continue to de-clutter and organize. I’ve need the furniture I already mentioned, eventually. We’ve got the pantry under control and are using some stuff up. I need to take a bag of books to the bookstore for exchange credit, and just start some boxes for the thrift store.
I used to have a routine that worked for me kinda; I got home around 4:15, and between 4:15 and 5 I’d putter, and from 5-6 I’d watch Oprah and do the exercise bike and putter, then I’d be “off the clock” at 6, still plenty early to enjoy the evening. Not only did going on vacation and then getting sick blow my developed habit, but they moved Oprah to a different time. It’s on two times a day instead of one…but they are the wrong times! Believe me, I can see how sad it is to have a routine built around the Oprah show; I don’t defend it and am not proud. However it was a routine that was productive for me. It’s a matter of developing a new one.
Tighten Up
October 15th, 2006 at 08:55 pm
October 15th, 2006 at 09:02 pm 1160942520
October 15th, 2006 at 11:48 pm 1160952529
Good luck - it always seems like the numbers on the scale are the last thing to move. Congrats on the 16!
October 17th, 2006 at 07:01 pm 1161108070