I did do the exercise bike. I really didn’t want to tonight, so I’m even more proud. Considering I decided not to budget any money for working out, since I have an exercise bike and live walking distance from work, I had freakin’ better get my exercise. Otherwise, I’d have that whole regret thing going on.
There’s a phenomenon that confuses me: I’ll plan to do something, then dread it, then when I do it it’s fine. Now, you’d think the next time, I wouldn’t dread it, because I know it turns out fine, right? Not right.
This happens to me when I make social plans. I really look forward to them, then as it approaches I balk at the idea of going out, then I go out and have a great time. With exercising: the idea sounds great. Then the time to work out or walk to work approaches and I get all angsty. Then I do it and it feels great.
How come I can’t tell my brain, “Hey, you don’t need to worry about this. When you do it, you like it?”
The only spending this month ahs been on rent, filling the tank (which didn’t need filling in October!) and going out to eat once. I’m planning on a low spend month; however, faced with holidays on the march, I can easily see my gifts budget, entertainment budget, household budget, and grocery budget having demands placed upon them. Of course my wild spending equal $75 total; there’s only so nutty I can get on the Challenge.
Darn My Head
November 7th, 2006 at 04:59 am
November 7th, 2006 at 10:58 am 1162897135
One problem I did solve was my reluctance to get around to certain houshold chores. I'd procrastinate endlessly, growing irritable at myself but making no effort to do the hated task. Something I read suggested timing each task to see how long it actually took. Surprised me to discover how little time was really involved. So today, instead of bemoaning my need to vacuum the entire apartment, I remind myself I'm going to spend 20 minutes doing the carpets. Mind games, but it works for me.
November 7th, 2006 at 03:08 pm 1162912089
November 7th, 2006 at 07:02 pm 1162926163