My wild spending this month is $400 rent, a $5 burrito, $7.82 on groceries, and $79 for my car registration. I am not sure how people spend so often. A large part of my ability to live on a small income has got to be to be my lack of desire to shop, to run errands that require expense. The burrito My Guy picked up, and the car registration I paid online, so only the $7.82 was spent “outside.”
How do people get coffee and soda and an item here and there all the time? Forget the cost; even if I had a gift card, I’m just not into going and buying. On a Saturday I can enjoy garage sales, but other than that, shopping is more of a chore. Being at airports lately has reduced me to the “buy a single beverage” state; my norm is to have club soda in my car, at work, and in my purse. A large part is the cost, but there is also the convenience...I don’t want to be bothered stopping by the store or vending machine if I’m thirsty. Beverages are a big part, but not all of it. A run to Walgreen’s for just nail polish? I use the stuff (toes) but I would not use my work break to run to the store for only that item.
Why am I riled up? Dunno. Just saw a lot of single purchase store runs going on today. If you stopped and got a coffee today, relax, I’m not against it, I just really don’t understand it. You are a more patient and less lazy person than I.
Not Stopping for Shopping
December 6th, 2006 at 05:52 am
December 6th, 2006 at 02:46 pm 1165416362