Home > Good Day

Good Day

December 10th, 2006 at 07:01 am

This week I walked to work four days out of five. On Friday I had people over to play poker. Today, I got together with a good friend, and we walked a couple miles and talked, and I even got a fancy pants coffee at a local place. Then My Guy, myself, Ms. Friend and Mr. Friend got together and had a grand time, having a cheese party. Mr. Friend is the cheese manager at the local co-op, and has all sorts of tasty cheese, and I added some. We had an aged blue “Costello,” an aged swiss, a gouda-like “lambchopper” an aged pepper corn jack “rumiano”, and brie, with two rustic breads, a variety of olives, and apple and pear.

I always adore food, and I’ve really been working at being more social, and I’ve very much wanted to walk more, so this has been a great week.

On the money front, a great time never needs to break the bank-a dip into the underused grocery money for some fancy cheese fits in fine with my budget, as all along I’ve been trying to prove that frugality certainly doesn’t equal deprivation. The cheese probably was more detrimental to the whole health thing, but man oh man do I love cheese.

I love it when a week goes well.

1 Responses to “Good Day”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Sounds wonderful! And yes, you do a good job at proving frugality does not have to = deprivation! Glad to hear that your week was a good one!!!

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