Home > Not Dead

Not Dead

January 2nd, 2007 at 08:56 pm

I’m not dead. And I don’t have any good reason for not posting for three weeks. No good reason, no interesting reason. My Christmas Season was fine; Christmas day was bad, but just the one day. My co-workers loved the presents I got for them, and friends enjoyed their presents as well. Plus, Christmas does not have a lot of personal meaning for me, so having a bad Christmas Day is okay, actually. My actual two favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day: being grateful and new beginnings.

So, anyway, I am back, and I did not stop doing My Challenge. I spent a bit extra in Groceries (treats), entertainment, and gifts, but it was because of the holidays, not because of not posting.

After my weird little lapse, I do now plan to get back on the posting wagon. It’s the New Year, and it’s month eleven out of twelve months-I’m pretty thrilled that it looks like I will be able to definitely complete the Challenge.

10 Responses to “Not Dead”

  1. cindilee Says:

    I'm glad to see you back and posting. I look forward to reading your posts. Yours is one of the first blogs I read many months ago when I first joined!

  2. living_in_oz Says:

    I'm glad you're back! Your blog was one of the first I started following! I love how you are living on min. wage!! That is so cool!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Hi buddy, good to hear from you! Our minimum wage in Missouri just went up this New Years Day! $6.50! Quite an accomplishment for us voters! Made me think of you! :-)

  4. sarah Says:

    Its good to hear from you again.

  5. Carolina Bound Says:

    Thanksgiving and New Year's Day are my favorite holidays, too!

  6. robex Says:

    I'm glad you're back! Even when I'm not posting on my blog, I'm still stopping in to read yours...

  7. Dido Says:

    Glad to see you back & Happy New Year! Looking forward to reading about your last month of your challenge and then your transition back off of it.

  8. HouseHopeful Says:

    Great to see you back! You've definately been missed. I always enjoy reading your posts.

  9. LuckyRobin Says:

    I have really enjoyed following your blog and I hope your time away has left you feeling invigorated for posting again.

  10. LuxLiving Says:

    Like Dido, I too am interested in hearing how you transition off of the challenge and hearing about what methods you decide to discard and what new habits you'll retain.

    Glad you're back!!! You're one of my favorite motivators & like Ima, you are always good for inspiration!

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