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Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

January 4th, 2007 at 02:20 am’s not over!

I’ve had a couple of folks ask me if I’m done with the Challenge. Well, if I had been bright enough to start it January 1 2006, I’d be done. But no, I started March 2006, so I have two more months to go. This is day three of month eleven; fifty six more days to be Wantonly Frugal.

Now, as I wonder how I will react come March, I realize how adjusted I am to not spending. I was telling a buddy I went on a shopping spree, because I had money in my Household account and wanted to treat the house for the New Year. My splurge? Four pillows, which I can kind of see, but also new sponges. Now that’s just nutty. I am currently spending 27% of my gross income, and I was really excited to have new sponges and pillows!

Now, I know I’ve lost some of you, but let me explain why I don’t think it’s really sad.

I’m not consuming on autopilot.

I’ll grant you this: I probably should have bought new sponges earlier. I wash what I have in the washer, and periodically nuke them, so they aren’t infested. But they are worn. But the flip side would be worse to me: blithely tossing sponges, cleaners, paper towels, Lysol/bleach wipes, etc. into my cart every week. I am fine using small amounts of simple items - and that means I will be able to go to Europe again this year, and maybe China or South America or someplace exciting (suggestions accepted). (Now if you love cleaning items, this is not an assault on your lifestyle: If your Swiffer gives you joy, I support your Swiffering.)

I get to spend on what I want to spend money on. I get to spend consciously, getting value for what I buy, choosing what I buy. I know that if I’m bringing something home, it’s something I wanted or needed. I bought My Guy a pricier birthday gift for January 10, coming up. Here’s the deal: I spent $160, and I had to pull a lot of money from other categories, and I don’t regret it. I very consciously decided what to buy, found the best type and price (thanks, forum posters), and committed, and within my limited virtual means met my needs and my wants.

I just really love not needing to regret purchases. And I’ll loosen up and buy more sponges come March, and replace the pillows more often (how does that happen-you know what I mean-our heads should NOT make pillows look like that), and maybe even splurge on a real splurge-and I wont have to regret it!

3 Responses to “Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I am jealous! I would love new pillows! Enjoy!

  2. sarah Says:

    This was a wonderful post Thank You. This is what I am trying to accomplish with my buy nothing new challenge.

  3. cherylyates Says:

    I love that--NOT CONSUMING ON AUTOPILOT. Its' taken a longggggggg time for me to get that under control and has taken severe unemployment to get it under control!!

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