This month I have spent more than on My Challenge, yet I have also felt very in control of my spending.
My folks are going to Fiji for a month, New Zealand for three months, Australia for three months, and Bali for three months. There was a big going away party in Novato, so My Guy and I drove down for the weekend. A very unusual expenditure for me, even pre-Challenge, was staying in a cute little historical register hotel. It was very charming, and I really enjoyed it. It was $120 a night after taxes, which to me seemed reasonable for a fancy pants hotel (rated number one on TripAdvisor, which is how I found it). So that was definitely an extravagance, as well as a fancy dinner we went to one night.
On the other hand, when we went to Costco in Santa Rosa to see what was going on, we walked out spending $28, on four items including some fluorescent bulbs ($11.19 for 6, $8 instant rebate-cool craziness). I went to target the pother day, and over and over again saw items that I could buy, and probably were reasonably priced, but I didn’t need ’em, didn’t want ’em. I am packing my lunch every day, and I am about to try on a whole bunch of hand-me downs from a buddy. I tried to get bubble bath and all were to overpriced for me, even at Target…I could “afford” an $8 medium size bottle, but I can use homemade bath salts until I find something that feels more reasonable to me.
March is a three paycheck month for me, plus I am getting my tax refunds, so it’s a plush month, and my spree money may be around $350, and that includes a really great romantic weekend and some shopping at my favorite thrift store. I am at peace with that. Oh, and I got a bra fitting at Macy*s (somehow that, along with trying escargot for the first time, made me feel like I’m growing up - at 36) and got three new bras. Funnily enough, I was braced to spend a fair amount, but I got three for $66-there was a sale. And the bras are pretty fabulous.
I can’t really explain, even to myself, my lack of posting. Clarifying my thoughts around consumption and expenditure is very good for me; I really get a sense of what is important to me, and can spend without guilt. That is so satisfying, spending without guilt.
I go to Los Angeles for work this week, and don’t return until late Thursday, so even though I feel posty, I probably won’t get an opportunity.
So, It’s the Month After
March 27th, 2007 at 01:59 am
March 27th, 2007 at 02:09 am 1174957780
March 27th, 2007 at 04:09 am 1174964944
JCPenney fits for bras too. 3 for $66 is an awesome deal!
March 27th, 2007 at 12:49 pm 1174996157
try squirting your current shampoo or body wash underneath the running water and see if the bubbles are satisfactory. it might do unti you find something you like better.
March 28th, 2007 at 04:06 am 1175051179